
yayıncı: VanRoey

The Attach app allows you to add standard supplements or charges to your sales documents.


The Attach app allows you to add standard supplements or charges to your sales documents.

Per sales item you can add specific taxes or additional costs for packaging.

In the article card you can define if this needs to be done either per sales line or rather as a single charge per sales document.

E.g. recycle charges, packaging costs, ...

You can setup per item the different charges that you want to add.

You can also setup charges for customers in other countries that have different charges or taxes.

Attach app will check the settings, and automatically apply the relevant charges/taxes depending on the article (settings item card) and the country (setting customer card).

If the charges/taxes are set as per line, the Attach app will automatically multiply the amount of the charge line with the amount of the linked item.

So, you will not need to add these charges or taxes manually, nor will you need these lines manually when you change the number of the article.

Supported Editions

This app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Supported Countries


Supported Languages

Dutch and English

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